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Point Break Volleyball is offering summer camps for elementary, middle, and High School levels.


Elementary camp will focus on fun first, with a sprinkle of volleyball specific agility training, and core volleyball skills. 


Middle School camp will focus on fun, physical training, and a positive learning environment. These camps are great for all skill levels.


High School camp will focus on the development of skills across the game of volleyball. Many camps are designed to develop skills and techniques specific to your volleyball position.


For any questions, please contact us.

For questions on our refund policy please see our REFUND POLICY


boys / Girls

elementary school camps


Elementary school camps cater to younger/beginner volleyball players.  Camps will focus on fun first, sprinkled with some sport specific agility training, and finish with a healthy dose of core volleyball skills.  These camps are the perfect way to expose the next generation of athletes to the amazing sport that is volleyball. Grades: 3rd, 4th & 5th.

boys / Girls

middle school camps


Middle school camps are designed to allow multiple coaches to customize training to the variety of skill levels and experience encountered in Middle School volleyball. Camps will focus on fun, physical training, and a positive learning environment. From no experience to years of experience, these camps adjust to any and all skill levels.


Middle School Grades: 6th, 7th and 8th.

First come first serve as spots are limited.


bOYS/ girls

high school camps


It’s time to get serious and have some fun on the side. During the summer, Point Break offers a variety of High School camps ranging from all skills development to very specific positional skills training. These camps include a spectrum of learning for athletes to improve overall volleyball play, exercise, socialization, and some classic summer break fun.


First come first serve as spots are limited. 

boys & Girls

project b


Players will work on everything from footwork, transition, timing to advanced techniques to reach their full potential. This is a great camp to try out. Build skills, build technique. 


Project B is preparing for the summer
and is now offering a Summer Workshop! Workshops will be limited to 25 athletes. All skill levels are welcome. Classes are
open for Middle and High School players


Upcoming Schedule for

Project B Summer Workshops
Jumping, Landing, and Plyometrics Workshop
1. Saturday June 8 from 10-11am
2. Saturday, June 22 from 1-2pm
3. Saturday, July 6 from 10-11am
4. Saturday, July 20 from 1-2pm


we are a California registered

non-profit organization

Sponsor an Athlete [Summer Camps 2024]


This form is collecting email addresses. Due to COVID-19 some of our families were impacted and are experiencing financial needs. Your donation will sponsor our student-athletes to continue to enjoy their summer on the court playing indoor volleyball. We will email you the name of the student-athlete/s that will benefit from your generous donation. Your donation is tax deductible! Thank you so much!

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